Strategy Review – Year 1
One year in to our strategy - how are we doing?
In 2021 Coach Core launched our first strategy as an independent charity, laying out our ambitions and plans through to 2024. We want to be a transparent and trustworthy organisation, so we felt it was important to ‘check-in’ a year down the line. Our CEO Gary Laybourne led a process of evaluating our data and also measuring the thoughts and feelings of our people:
So, what have we learnt?
• Largely, that our strategy ambitions are still right and fit for purpose.
• However, we want to adjust some of how we get there or how we
are measuring. By being transparent and detailing these decisions,
we ultimately hope it will challenge us to be the best we can be and
that we can demonstrate our true impact over the next 2 years.• The staff and the board are still united in our mission, and our
partners and stakeholders value what we have set out to achieve
with this strategy thus far.• The pandemic continued to present great challenge across 2021-
22, making fundraising even more competitive. This in turn affects
our growth ambitions both operationally, and from a capacity point
of view so we need to ensure we are mindful of this when working
towards our year 2 ambitions.Gary Laybourne, CEO