Everybody’s Talking About Jamie

10th Anniversary Graduate of the Month: January - Jamie Clewer

By Belinda Bradley · 27th January 2023

Jamie Clewer is now a Health and Wellbeing Officer and is living his dream career after gaining the skills and qualifications he needed at Coach Core. 
This didn’t come easy, however. Jamie is our Graduate of the Month because of how hard he worked to get to this point.  
Having studied sport in school and college, he went on to get a part-time job in retail. During this period, he was unsure of what his future in sport would look like. 
Jamie has cerebral palsy and was concerned that his disability may hold him back from accessing the same opportunities as others. However, after starting his Coach Core apprenticeship with the Argyle Community Trust, he was able to gain an incredible amount of confidence and skills needed to obtain a full-time role within sport.  

“What I love about coaching is the ability to help others and make them progress in a physically and socially active way.”

Jamie Clewer

One of the reasons we’re inspired by Jamie is because of how hard he worked during his apprenticeship, both in practical sessions and on the theory side of it. He knew that the qualifications could help him progress within the world of sports, so he put all his efforts into learning and improving as a coach.  

Many of Jamie’s participants have additional needs, so Jamie uses his disability to his advantage and teaches in a way that they can relate to. Additionally, Jamie’s motivation to help others is powerful as he spent years prior being a young carer to his grandparents. These experiences helped him to become a compassionate and assisting coach and now he works with a wide range of people in his community.   

The fact he’s continued this work and has such a strong desire to improve himself, and assist others makes him incredibly worthy of being Graduate of the Month.  


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