
Connect your fundraising activity easily with Coach Core through our JustGiving page

If you’d like to raise money for Coach Core, one of the easiest ways to do it will be through JustGiving. This platform is trusted by millions and used worldwide. It’s very easy to create a personal fundraising page and then to connect that with Coach Core’s account:

  1. Log into your account and click ‘Start Fundraising’
  2. When asked ‘Are you fundraising for a registered charity?’, select ‘Yes, continue’
  3. Search for Coach Core
  4. Select the type of fundraising you are doing, or add your own
  5. Choose your web address – this is the link you’ll be sharing with friends and family when asking them to donate.
  6. Tick ‘Yes’ if you’re running a bake sale, or selling tickets to an event, raffle or auction. Donations to your Page won’t be eligible for Gift Aid.
  7. Click ‘Create your page’

Job done! Your Fundraising Page is now set up and ready to accept donations. Just Giving will send the money that you raise to your charity. Now you can personalise your page and share it with friends and family.

Coach Core apprentice leads a basketball session