Uniting The Movement: Coach Core proud to be a supporter of Sport England’s new strategy
Coach Core response to the Sport England new 10 year strategy that seeks to unite behind 3 key focus points – Advocating for movement, sport and physical activity; joining forces on their 5 big issues and creating catalysts for change.
Coach Core CEO Gary Laybourne:
Coach Core is fully behind the #UnitingTheMovement campaign and everything the new strategy stands for. After having time to listen to the brilliant Sport England webinar yesterday and reading through the paper in full, I am genuinely excited for the future of the sector and what this will mean for society as a whole. The fact that there is a long term vision to want to work with, and not dictate to, partners and enable those with the power to influence change to do so in ways that suit their participants and their community will have far reaching effects. As we prepare to launch our own new strategy, I am delighted to know that the 5 outlined key issues and those identified as the catalysts for change are all focal points for Coach Core as we seek to provide the sector with a new, diverse and exciting workforce by targeting young adults who need the opportunity the most. By supporting these young people to educate and inspire their local communities, we will continue to tackle the stubborn inequalities that exist in these areas, whilst also seeking to further align with Sport England’s ambition to ‘make the sector more reflective of the country it serves.
The outcomes of a Coach Core programme go far beyond sport and coaching as we seek to support social mobility and far reaching, positive community impact in cities across the UK and as such, we will commit to working closely with Sport England, and our sector, to bring about this shared vision of change”
The 5 ‘big issues’ that cover the sporting and social landscape encompass a number of things linked not only to Covid19 but also to trends and insight understood prior to the pandemic too. These focal points are: recover and reinvent / connecting with health and wellbeing / positive experiences for children and young people / connecting communities / active environments.
Sport England then identify the key catalysts to bring about this change as:
- revised approaches to targeted investment models,
- realising the power of people and leadership,
- applying even greater innovation and digital solutions for people to access and enhance their offer and/or experience
- joined up approaches and greater support to partners with data and insight
- demonstrating and supporting good governance
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