Seeking a research organisation partner
Coach Core are looking to undertake a piece of research that will allow us to better understand the challenges employers face in hiring apprentices.
Coach Core is keen to better understand the challenges young people see when they consider applying to one of our programmes, as well as any difficulties employers face in recruiting them
Aligned to our strategic ambitions to amplify the voice of our employers and apprentices, we are commissioning a project to further investigate these challenges. This will allow us to improve our current provision, ensuring we can give the support employers need to find the right apprentices and in turn support their journeys. We also plan to present these findings to Government and other stakeholders, with the aim of influencing apprenticeship policy.
Project Title:
Understanding the barriers faced by employers when looking to employ young people through apprenticeships.
Research Question:
How does the current apprenticeship system support or hinder smaller employers’ efforts to recruit and retain young apprentices, especially those with additional learning and support needs?
The full research brief is below, with more details on the project, including submission guidelines, budget, timelines and anticipated outcomes.
We are pleased to now invite organisations to submit a proposal for this research and kindly request that all proposals are submitted, via the relevant link, by 15th November 2024.
In addition, if your organisation would be interested in supporting this work in other ways (for example, supporting dissemination of the findings or alignment to similar policy recommendations), please do get in touch via: