Renee, What Makes You Tick?
Learning from success - getting to know the winners of the 2020 Coach Core Awards. This edition: Renee Gottshalk, Graduate of the Year
We got in touch with our 2020 Awards winners to try to learn from their success. What makes them tick, and is it the same kind of thing, from apprentice through to tutor? We put the same 5 questions to each of them to find out.
Next up: Renee Gottshalk. Renee won the Graduate of the Year award for her work with Aston Villa.
1. What made you want to get into this role?
Having an opportunity to represent and impact my own community.
2. What’s the highlight of your (work) week?
Coming home on a Sunday evening and knowing its all going to be different next week, taking on more and more as time progresses.
3. Who do you ask (or where do you look) when you want to know more about something in the sector?
Those around me, colleagues and managers within my organisation are really supportive with advice, resources and training. Not only this but support services, charities and local organisations we work with can sometimes create networks between staff and promotes a supportive environment where we’re able to access different members of the public i.e Teachers, Health practitioners etc.
4. What’s one thing you would change about the sector if you could?
The idea that we must be good at something to compete in it. Enter yourselves and your participants into as much as you can, more experiences is more expensive in longevity.
5. What’s your favourite sporting moment?
When Aston Villa were promoted to the premiere league in the 18/19 season! It may have been because I joined the Foundation then…. nah I’m joking, but to be apart of such an emotional and challenging journey, to get in to the premiere league, it was rewarding knowing the club now held a worthy title, and then to know I worked for such a hard working club; it was truly inspiring.