#CoachCoreGrads: Caitlin, Lead Gymnastics Coach at Glasgow Sport
Caitlin grew up loving dance and wanted to be a coach, but didn't get into university. Coach Core gave her the opportunity to follow her dream and try new sports. She fell in love with gymnastics and she's now a full time gymnastics coach.
My name is Caitlin Aitken, I’m 24, and I’m from Glasgow.
If you could describe yourself in three words what would they be?
I would say I’m fun, energetic & bubbly
Who inspires you the most?
My dancing teacher, Carolyn, she inspires me and gives me confidence. I’ve been dancing with her since I was two and I’ve been teaching at the dancing school since I was 15.
How did you hear about Coach Core?
I heard about Coach Core through Danielle Fraser, who was a 1st year Coach Core graduate. I was at college with her sister, and had applied to uni to do sports coaching, but didn’t get in. Then Danielle sent me the form for Coach Core. Danielle told me about everything she had done on Coach Core and how it was a great steppingstone to get the same kind of career as you could get by going to uni. I feel like I managed to skip a few steps.
How did you get into gymnastics?
When I started Coach Core, my Coach Core tutor asked if I wanted to do gymnastics and I originally wasn’t interested in gymnastics. I wasn’t confident about it, but I tried it and loved it, I knew I wanted to do it again.
What was your highlight from the programme?
My highlight would have been going to all the different gymnastics classes and working alongside the Coach Core mentors as well. They were excellent and helped me to feel comfortable in the classes. If it wasn’t for trying all the classes, I wouldn’t be in my current job.
What are you currently doing now having graduated?
I was originally offered a job at Glasgow Life Gymnastics and I now work there full time, 35 hours a week as the Lead Gymnastics Coach. I also dance and coach dancing for my dancing school on Thursdays.
Do you think Coach Core has helped you get to where you are now’?
Definitely, if it wasn’t for my Coach Core mentor sending me to the gymnastics class I wouldn’t be where I am today.
And what did Coach Core teach you?
Take each day as it is and take everybody for who they are. That was my biggest learning curve.
What advice would you give anyone looking to join the programme?
I would say apply before anything else. The people who did coach core got their qualification and have good jobs now, it’s worthwhile doing if you’re into sports.
What’s your hidden talent?
I can do the worm!
Favourite food?
My favourite food is chicken, anything with chicken.
Do you have a sports trick you can do really well?
Dancing with a baton- especially a toss turn
What’s your favourite sporting memory?
We do a dance competition at my dancing school, where it’s one school versus the other dance school. Every year for the past four years, I’ve won senior majorette (dancing with a baton).
How did you meet and how did you help Amber whilst she was in the Coach Core programme?
Amber came along to a pre-gym (teaching 18 months old to five-year-old children) sessions and I began helping her with her skills and techniques. Slowly, Amber learnt more and I got her to step in and take on the sessions. I also helped her achieve her vocational qualifications.