Billy, Our Superhero

The English Dictionary says a superhero is "a character in a movie or story who has special strength and uses it to do good things and help other people." Our exemplar is: Coach Core graduate, Billy.

By Belinda Bradley · 8th November 2023

Billy, graduate of our Essex apprenticeship, is an incredible human being. Don’t just take it from us though; just a few weeks ago, Billy was awarded the Gold Award at the Southend City Citizen of the Year Awards!

Billy has done a lot to earn this award and has shown an immense amount of support to Coach Core since graduating.

From posting promotional material to attending our 10th Anniversary Event to contributing on our Youth Board – Billy has shown up and dedicated every effort to helping us repeatedly.

Billy hasn’t done this alone though! He even took part in our Strive for 5 challenge with his son, Noah, where they both dressed up as superheroes and completed the 5k together.

These legends have actually completed over 3,000 miles on awareness walks and runs dressed up as superheroes, and were delighted to help towards funding future Coach Core programs.

You can watch their awesome #stridefor5 challenge effort here:

Billy and Noah (@superheroesadventures) | TikTok

Billy’s walks with his son have reached over 90k views on TikTok, but it all started as a Lockdown project.

"I have found that our adventures are very beneficial to us for a number of reasons but most importantly as a way for Noah to channel his energy in a positive way and I found Noah learns more within a practical environment and in outdoor play."


Billy’s work leading up to this incredible award stemmed from countless hours and efforts of work with multiple charities.

Not only has he dedicated time and money to give back to Coach Core, but he’s also contributed to the National Fibromyalgia Campaign, helping get Fibromyalgia classed as a disability through Parliament. If this wasn’t enough, Billy has volunteered and fundraised for Southend Hospital, focusing on sport, activity and inclusion.

As part of the award, winners are given Billy won a special cheque to offer to charities and he kindly chose Coach Core as one of his recipients.

"I felt proud receiving this award, that my previous work and contributions were recognised. It was also inspiring to meet other recipients and to hear what amazing work they have done. The highlight of my night was actually taking my trophy to see my Nan at Havens Hospices, she was so proud. She has always inspired me, especially with her own dedicated service to our local community working at the hospital for over 30 years and it meant so much to me to see how proud she was of this."


When asked about his inspiration, Billy responded that his family are behind his motivation to do good in life. He stated that he feels fortunate to have met so many inspirational people on his journey and that drives his want to help others.

Billy told us he’d love to continue his focus on the Health and Social Care sector, helping others. He also said that he will continue to engage with The Prince’s Trust, assisting them in supporting more young people by using his role on the National Health & Social Care YP Committee.

We’re immensely proud of Billy for continuing such great work, and thankful to him for choosing Coach Core as a participant of his winner’s cheque.

We can’t wait to read more about the ‘super’ things he gets up to.


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