Employer FAQ
You've got questions about the Coach Core apprenticeship? This FAQ will probably have the answers, but if not, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Yes, you will have the final say on who you take on – you will get to interview the candidates and pick the best fit for you. Coach Core will help with the recruitment; we do the advertising and shortlisting and present to you the most appropriate for your organisation.
Yes, Coach Core also welcomes apprentice applications from candidates known to our partner organisations and employers. This means if you already have someone in mind, whether on your workforce already (part time or casual hours only), volunteering with you or recently progressed through one of your programmes, they can be put forward. The only thing we ask is that you look to support someone that’s faced barriers in employment and education.
Yes, employers are able to take on several apprentices if they wish. However, we will discuss this with you on application, to ensure your capacity and infrastructure can support this.
The 30-hour contract is inclusive of all education hours, which total approximately 6 hours per week. We also actively encourage organisations to make up those hours across the business, whether that be in events, marketing, social media etc. However, where the 30 hours remain a barrier to involvement, we can look at splitting the apprentice role with another organisation in the consortium, if appropriate to do so. You can also look to have less weekly hours but the apprenticeship length will need to be extended- talk to us about what your needs are and we will see how we can support.
No, we anticipate that apprentice hours, particularly at the start of the programme, will be made up of observation, assistant coaching and wider roles, such as supporting with admin, planning, social media etc.
We will endeavour, as far as possible, to frontload the coaching qualification, to prepare apprentices for coaching delivery as soon as they are ready. However, we anticipate that, with support, the majority of apprentices will take 3-6 months to be ready to lead coaching sessions independently.
The apprentice programme lasts a minimum of 15 months.
Many employers do, as their apprentice has become an integral and valuable part of their workforce, but it is not a requirement.
We partner with commercial training providers who specialise in apprentice training. All the apprentices in the programme will have a weekly training day with a tutor employed by the training provider. The tutor will also visit the apprentice’s place of work, provide support throughout the apprenticeship and guide them through the final assessment process. The costs of the training provider are covered by the UK government in most cases. Chat to us for examples where you may need to make a small contribution.
They will be a combination of online and face to face. For the in person sessions, we will work with the consortium of employers to find a location for the education sessions. Our preferred scenario is that one of the employers can provide that space, but there is a budget in place to hire rooms if that isn’t possible.
The costs of employing an apprentice through Coach Core will vary, based on the size of your organisation, age of the apprentice you employ and the salary offered, amongst other things. For a more detailed understanding of finances, please contact us directly.
Yes, for the level 2 Community Activator Coaching we will part-fund the apprenticeship, as we recognise the people we want you to hire may need additional support and development. For more information on this, please get in touch with us and we can happily explain more.
As part of the apprenticeship we also support in many other ways such as membership to several organisations and additional developmental opportunities that employers have asked for previously.
For certain qualifying criteria, there is an additional £1,000 funding from the government.
If your apprentice leaves during the programme no future grant payment will be made but we will not reclaim previous payments unless the requirements of the SLA are not upheld.
The minimum is National Apprentice Wage however we would encourage you to consider Living Wage and budget for apprentice expenses especially if they are required to travel to different locations.