Our Partners
Collaboration is at the heart of Coach Core's way of working. These partners enable us to offer a deeper level of support to even more young people.
Lifetime Training
Lifetime is the leading apprenticeship training provider, committed to a democracy of opportunity that creates a competitive skills advantage and accelerates business growth.
Visit their website: https://lifetimetraining.co.uk/
The Chartered institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity are the professional development body for the UK’s sport and physical activity sector, committed to supporting, developing and enabling professionals and organisations to succeed and, as a result, inspire our nation to become more active.
Visit their website: https://www.cimspa.co.uk/
Active Partnership Network
Active Partnerships is a nationwide physical activity and sport network that exists to create a healthier, fairer nation. They take a place-based approach to reducing inequalities through our network of 43 local Active Partnerships. They partner with local and national stakeholders – like Coach Core – to transform lives through physical activity and sport and affect widespread social change.
Visit their website: https://www.activepartnerships.org/
UK Coaching
The lead agency for coaching in the UK reaches and develops coaches through its learning and development platform. They collaborate with organisations to make lasting improvements to coaching in the UK – from grass-roots through to elite performance levels. They also inform Government on policy that supports coaches to have a positive impact on society. With Coach Core they provide a number of CPD and education workshops for our apprentices, as well as providing access to their national events.
Visit their website: https://www.ukcoaching.org/
Amazing Apprenticeships
We proudly support the Amazing Apprenticeships’ Time for Change series, helping to share best practice on diverse apprentice recruitment, retention and support. Coach Core apprentices and graduates have also supported a number of campaigns with Amazing Apprenticeships, sharing their experiences to help promote the value of apprenticeships and inspire other young people to get involved.
Visit their website: https://amazingapprenticeships.com/
Youth Employment UK
We partner with YEUK to help raise awareness of apprenticeships and reach young people who may otherwise not have had access to opportunities.
Visit their website: https://www.youthemployment.org.uk/
Careers in Sport
We support the Careers in Sport Live events, promoting the value of apprenticeships in our sector and highlighting the long-term career pathways within sport. This partnership also allows us to reach more young people and raise awareness of different career options and opportunities for our graduates.
Visit their website: https://careers-in-sport.co.uk/
Carbon Jacked
We work with Carbon Jacked to get the people part of sustainability right for our apprentices and employees. Carbon Jacked run engaging climate training as well as giving everyone at Coach Core access to the Carbon Jacked Sustainability platform, which uses pro content creators and experts to educate individuals, improve their wellbeing through nature and inspire climate action.
Visit their website: https://carbonjacked.com/
Your Sport Solutions
We partner with Your Sport Solutions to identify suitable job opportunities to Coach Core graduates, either directly upon completion, or as they consider their career progression options.
Visit their website: https://yoursportsolutions.co.uk/