Coach Core Research

Deadline extended

We are keen to independently understand your experiences of the apprenticeship programme with Coach Core.


Researchers from the University of Bath (Haydn Morgan) and The University of Waikato (Will Roberts) have been working with us collaboratively to design a piece of research to explore your experiences and insights into the programme. The evaluation will be independent but will provide us with an opportunity to enhance our programme and support graduates in the longer term.


We would like you to take part by doing an interview with the researchers. We really value your time and will therefore be offering an incentive for your participation. All those put themselves forward, and are eligible to participate in the study, will be entered into a prize draw for a £50 Amazon voucher.  Those who go forward to take part in the interviews will also be awarded a further £15 Amazon voucher.


The Participant Information Sheet below has some further information about the study which you should consider before replying.


If you are interested in taking part, please email Will ( and Haydn ( to let them know. They will then be in touch to confirm and set up a Zoom interview with you. The interview should take approximately 40 minutes and Haydn/Will will be on hand to answer any questions you may have.


Please reply as soon as possible



Participant Information Sheet

Understanding the voice of the apprentice in a skills development and employment programme


Name of Researchers: Will Roberts; Dr Haydn Morgan

Contact details of Researchers:


This information sheet forms part of the process of informed consent. It should give you a clear understanding of what the research is about and what your participation will involve. Please read this information sheet carefully and contact one of the researchers named above if you are unsure about any of the project details.


  1. What is the purpose of the project:

The aim of the research is to examine the apprenticeship programme at Coach Core, by obtaining a detailed understanding of the factors that contribute to a positive apprentice experience. By understanding the apprentice experience, the research seeks to provide recommendations to improve and develop the apprentice programme offered by Coach Core. The research will be conducted independently by Will Roberts and Dr Haydn Morgan who have been engaged by Coach Core to undertake the research.


  1. Why have I been selected to take part? [or Who can be a participant?]

We are inviting you to take part in this study as you are a current apprentice or a graduate of the Coach Core programme. As such, you have been identified as having in-depth knowledge of the apprenticeship programme, with extensive experience of the various factors in play that shape the apprentice experience. You should only consent to take part in this project if you are happy to proceed on this basis.


  1. Do I have to take part?

Participation in the research is entirely voluntary. It is therefore completely up to you to decide if you would like to take part. Before making a decision, ensure to take the time to consider this information carefully and contact us if you have any questions or concerns. If you agree to take part, we ask that you sign the attached consent form and return it via email to Will Roberts. If at any time you decide you no longer wish to take part in this project you are free to withdraw, without giving a reason.


  1. What will I be asked to do?

We are inviting you to participate in a one-to-one interview conducted online via MS Teams/Zoom. The purpose of the interview is to learn from your knowledge and experiences in relation to:


  • How you were recruited to the programme
  • What training was provided to you
  • Your experiences of that training
  • The support you received beyond this training
  • The impact of the apprenticeship on your life

The interview is estimated to last approximately 40 minutes and will be arranged at a time convenient to you. All that we ask is that you find a suitably comfortable and quiet environment to engage in the online interview process. The interview will be audio recorded using a digital Dictaphone and transcribed verbatim by the research team. No video footage will be captured during the interview and you do not have to display your image on the screen if you do not want to.


  1. Are there reasons why I should not take part?

You should only agree to take part in the research if you identify as someone who has extensive knowledge and experience of the Coach Core apprenticeship programme. You must be over 18 to take part, comfortable discussing the topics listed above, and capable of providing your voluntary informed consent independently.


  1. What are the possible benefits of taking part?

There are no direct benefits of taking part in the project. However, the information that you and other participants provide will be used to help strengthen the apprenticeship programme offered by Coach Core. The final research report will be circulated among the Coach Core network, and you are welcome to receive a copy of the final research findings.


  1. What are the possible disadvantages and risks of taking part?

There are no disadvantages to taking part in this project. If there is an interview question that you do not wish to answer, you can choose not to. You are also free to withdraw from the interview at any time without detriment to your relationship with Coach Core or any other organisation associated with your apprenticeship.


  1. Will my participation involve any discomfort or embarrassment?

We do not expect you to feel any discomfort or embarrassment if you take part in the project. You will not be pressurised to answer questions or made to feel as though your answers are being judged. If, however, you do feel uncomfortable at any time, you have the right to pause or stop the interview. If you would like to read a copy of the interview guide in preparation for the interview, we are happy to share this with you.


  1. Who will have access to the information that I provide?

Only the research team will have access to information that you provide (e.g. consent forms and verbatim interview transcripts). Only anonymised research data in the form of direct quotes will be used in publication of the research findings. All other data will be stored confidentially.


  1. What will happen to the data collected and results of the project?

All data collected during the project including personal, identifiable data will be treated as confidential and stored in a password protected file on a password protected computer. The storage of data will be done in accordance with current UK data protection legislation. Recorded data will be kept for a minimum of 5 years before being securely destroyed. After the project has finished, a research report will be submitted to Coach Core. Identifying information will not be disclosed in any presentation or publication of the research; this applies to all names of people and organisations, but it is likely that we will specify the location from which our research participants are from.


  1. How can I withdraw from the project?

If you wish to stop participating after consenting to take part, you can inform one of us in person by email. You can withdraw from the project at any time up to two weeks following your interview, without providing a reason and without the risk of any repercussions. If for any reason you wish to withdraw your data, please contact us within two weeks of your participation. After the interview, you will receive a follow-up email reminding you of the timeframe to remove your data.


  1. What happens if there is a problem?

If you have a concern about any aspect of the project please speak to us and we will do our best to answer any questions.


  1. If I require further information who should I contact and how?

Thank you for taking the time to read this information sheet and consider your involvement in the study. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you would like some more information.


Name of Principle Researcher: Will Roberts
